Welcome to Advanced Renaming of pictures homepage !
[Version française] [Download the lastest version] [Project home]
Contents :
What is the aim of this software ?
How to use this software ?
How to run this software ?
How to translate this software ?
About this software.

What is the aim of this software ?

With this software, you can easily and quickly rename photos without typing all the words. It can also numbers the pictures (if you want to do it : File menu), changes the order, deletes some images ans shows some exif informations. In a first time, you only prepared the pictures and the real modifications on files will only be done at the end (Ctrl + Alt + Enter).
A video : how to rename photo with "Advanceed renaming of pictures"

How to use this software ?
'Rename' tab (see below) :
[Rename tab]
Advanced renaming of pictures : Rename tab with two buttons to avoid typing words.
'Manage pictures' tab (see below) :
[Manage tab]
Advanced renaming of pictures : Manage pictures tab to change order, have exif informations and delete pictures.

How to run this software ?
This software is developed in java so you can use it on any operation system. You must have a recent version of java (at least java 1.5) [download java].
To run this software, simply type "java -jar Renommeur.jar" or double click on "Renommeur.jar" on a Windows OS.

How to translate this software ?

The supported langyages are french and english.
If you want another language, open the jar archive as a zip file, copy locale.properties to locale_xx.propreties, open it in an editor and translate the sentences. Do the same thing with all the files of the directory. You can then send me a message to add your language for other people.

About this software.

This software is released under GNU General public license and uses the Drew Noakes' metadata-extractor library.